Recording of the audio-visual live concert at the Pinakothek der Moderne 9.12. 2022
Six renowned string quartets and video installations at different locations
Ensembles: Asasello Quartet, Diogenes Quartet, Henschel Quartet, Klenke Quartet, Malion Quartet, Modern String Quartet Music: String quartets by George Crumb, Lisa Streich, Ursula Mamlok, Carolin Shaw, Sergej Newski, Steffen Wick, Jörg Widmann, John Adams and “Pictures at an Exhibition” – Framed in Jazz
Video art: Manuela Hartel
Moderation: Annekatrin Hentschel, BR
Interview partners: Monika Henschel, Manuela Hartel, Peter Hackel
Organized by: Festival4 e.V. (Förderverein des VdSQ) in cooperation with the Pinakothek der Moderne on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Pinakothek der Moderne
Photographer: HP Remark / Manuela Hartel
The sound body is the blueprint of society
What makes sound bodies so unique? How do musicians create a human space filled with sound? How do different room acoustics of the Pinakothek der Moderne respond to musical phenomena? How does video art manage to turn the gaze inward and to fathom contemplative experience anew together with music, while both arts retain their autonomy? Through the conceived interaction of different sound bodies of no less than six renowned string quartet ensembles in the light of Manuela Hartel’s video art, one experienced on Dec. 9, 2022 in the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich what allows ‘the whole’ to emerge, which is more than the sum of its parts.